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Please submit this form to endorse/nominate/recommend a candidate for membership in the European Academy of Engineering. Nominees should demonstrate exceptional contributions to the field of engineering and align with EAE's mission of advancing engineering excellence in Europe.

Nominee's Personal Information

Prefix Required

Nominee's Title and Affiliation

Contact Information (Including Country Code)

Engineering Class (select from scroll-down menu) Required

Nominator's Full Name Required

Is this nominator a current member of European Academy of Engineering (EAE)? Required

Is this nominator an accredited academy of sciences or engineering? Required

Nominator's Contact Information (Email and Phone)


Please provide detailed written statement to the following questions. Your input will help evaluate the nominee's qualifications for the exclusive EAE membership.

Provide the names and contact information of two additional individuals who can provide endorsements for the nominee's qualifications.

Referee 1

Referee 2

Please provide a personal statement outlining your qualifications, achievements, and reasons for seeking membership in the European Academy of Engineering (EAE). This statement is an opportunity for candidate to share their background, experiences, and the commitments to contributing to the goals and mission of EAE, and how their work can reshape Europe’s future of engineering.

Please attach a file of a personal statement of no more than 2000 words. You may consider addressing the following points.

* Your academic and professional background.
* Significant achievements, contributions, or innovations in your field and how they are going to influence EU future.
* How your expertise aligns with the objectives and focus areas of EAE.
* Your commitment to promoting engineering excellence and advancing the field in EU.
* Any specific contributions or initiatives you plan to undertake as an EAE member.

Please take your time to provide a thoughtful and comprehensive personal statement. Your statement will be an important part of the evaluation process for EAE membership.

Please ensure that the nominee is aware of and agrees to this nomination.

Thank you for your nomination. EAE values your input in identifying exceptional individuals who will contribute to the advancement of engineering excellence in Europe. Please submit this completed form to the European Academy of Engineering for consideration.


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