The Agenda Fund

Our ethos transcends today's conundrums, paving pathways to tomorrow's solutions. At EAE, challenges reveal horizons of potential, inviting Europe's finest minds to craft the future.
Amidst shifting landscapes, we embody innovation's pinnacle, steering the course with foresight.

100 YEARS of Aerospace Engineering

Celebrating a century of soaring ambitions and skyward innovations. Join us as we honor aerospace engineering's monumental journey and chart the course for its luminous future.


Embodying the pinnacle of scholarly symbiosis, the World Engineering Forum by the European Academy of Engineering is a crucible for the prognosticative analysis of engineering trends, challenges, and opportunities on a planetary expanse.


The European Academy of Engineering reaffirms its commitment to the advancement of engineering knowledge and humanitarian support, extending its resources and expertise in solidarity with the Ukrainian engineering community amid the current crisis.

EAE Award 2024 Call for Nominations

The European Academy of Engineering salutes leaders in engineering for their lifetime dedication to their field and their commitment to advancing the human condition through great engineering achievement and/or through innovation in engineering and technology education.


The European Academy of Engineering (EAE), has historically stood as a paragon of scientific and engineering prowess, fostering innovation and expertise across a broad spectrum of disciplines.
In an era of unprecedented technological advancements and interdisciplinary integration, the EAE has embarked on a momentous evolution, aligning its structure to the dynamism and diversity of the engineering field.

September 13, 1992

European Academy of Engineering

Gothenburg , Sweden


By attending an engineering conference, you can get the opportunity to: Witness cutting-edge innovation like tools and software in the industry.
Keep up with the engineering trends, Network with peers and community members, Learn and improve outside your field of expertise, Indulge in useful one-on-ones.


Today, the realm of engineering is experiencing a transformative era, marked by advanced tools and methodologies that offer fresh opportunities for socially impactful and policy-relevant advancements. The European Academy of Engineering (EAE) stands at the forefront of this evolution, uniquely poised to connect research, policy, and philanthropy towards fostering global human well-being through engineering innovation. As we step into a new epoch, the EAE's commitment to harnessing engineering solutions for societal benefit is more vital than ever, reflecting our enduring dedication to shaping a future where technological progress is synonymous with the greater good.

Hosted by the European Academy of Engineering, the "Frontiers in Engineering Forum," epitomizes the zenith of interdisciplinary scholarly exchange, catalyzing the symbiotic synthesis of heuristic methodologies and empirical praxis in the engineering sciences. Esteemed members and industry vanguards engage in dialectics on the pertinence of nascent technologies and the extrapolation of theoretical paradigms, fostering an echelon of intellectual discourse. As a bastion of erudition, the Forum transcends conventional epistemic frontiers, orchestrating a consortium that is quintessential for the architectonics of tomorrow's engineering landscape. 

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