1. Introduction

The importance of the environment is not new to anyone. Humans have known for millennia that they are inseparable from the environment in which they live. More recently, the media has been inundated with stories about environmental degradation and the havoc that humans as a species are wreaking. Not a day goes by without headlines about the melting ice caps and the seemingly inevitable warming of the Earth. Nonetheless, good news regarding the environment, both on an individual and on an industrial or governmental scale are also common.

Yet through all the news, it is important to acknowledge the tireless efforts of scientists toiling in laboratories and staring into computer screens for long hours, trying to figure out how to ameliorate the environment, or at least, trying to find ways to diminish the negative impacts. Research on environmental science and engineering might be among the most important on any university campus, and the scientists who have devoted their lives to this cause should be proud.

But what truly constitutes environmental research? One could argue that the answer depends on who you ask and with what lens you look at the problem. In a way, everything can somehow be relevant to the environment. It is -after all- all around us. The origins of the word environment come from Middle English (also as inviron), from Old French environ meaning “surroundings”. The word environ itself is derived from en “in” and viron “circuit” [1].

The environment includes both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components. In other words, it is a complex system including physical, chemical, biological and even social and cultural elements, all linked together. More specifically, the “natural environment” is often defined via four interlinking spheres known as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere, which will be discussed as follows [2]:

  • The atmosphere is the cover of gases which envelope the planet. Although our ancestors believed that air was a single entity, it is now well known that it is a mixture of various gases. Volumetrically, the air is composed of 78.084% Nitrogen, 20.946% Oxygen, 0.934% Argon, 0.033% Carbon Dioxide, and 0.003% of all other gasses such as Neon, Helium, Methane, and Krypton (in order of most to least abundant). In terms of mass composition, 75.51% and 23.15% of the air are Nitrogen and Oxygen respectively. It should be noted that due to the different mass of the air's constituents, gas concentrations will vary with height. Heavier gases move to the bottom and lighter gases rise up. That is why the mean molecular mass of air is 29 g/mol at the surface of the planet, and decreases to about 18 g/mol at a height of 300 km. Due to varying properties, the atmosphere is subdivided into layers. The lowest and most dense layer containing 80% of all the atmospheric gas is called the troposphere (up to about 10 km). This is where nearly all weather phenomena such as tornados and hurricanes occur. Beyond the troposphere, are the stratosphere (11–30 km), mesosphere (31–100 km), thermosphere (100–400 km) and exosphere (above 400 km) [2].

  • The hydrosphere, as its name suggests, includes all water such as oceans, rivers, and aquifers. More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with oceans which act as temperature regulators of the planet. About 97% of water is salty (not suitable for drinking), about 2% is in the ice caps, and less than 1% is readily accessible to humans in the form of freshwater lakes, rivers, and groundwater. This lack of accessible water is the source of water stress on a global scale, leading to discussions regarding better water use and management, as well as tapping into unconventional sources such as the desalination of seawater [3]. Water is constantly transforming and moving in what is known as the hydrological cycle. When water comes into contact with contaminants that render it unsuitable for use, it is referred to as wastewater. Wastewater treatment is an area of widespread investigation and intensive research, both for domestic and industrial wastewaters.

  • The lithosphere consists of the rigid exterior of our planet, including all the mountains, rocks, soils, and land, down to a depth of about 100 km including the crust and the upper mantle. The crust of the Earth which is the outermost layer has varying thickness. It is thinnest under the ocean (5–10 km thick) and several times thicker under the main land mass. If one were to drill a hole through the crust, the temperature would increase by about 30 °C for every km of depth. After drilling through the curst, the MohoroviÄŤić Discontinuity (Moho) is reached which is the boundary layer between the crust and the mantle at about 1500 °C. The Lithosphere–Asthenosphere boundary lies between the cooler, rigid lithosphere and the warmer, ductile asthenosphere which is not considered as being part of the classic four spheres of the natural environment. As one moves deeper within the mantle (2900 km thick), it becomes partially molten as temperatures increase to 2000 °C and beyond. Further down is the outer core with temperatures exceeding 3000 °C. The thickness and temperature of the inner core consisting of heavy elements such as iron and nickel, are approximately 2500 km and 7500 °C respectively [2]. Years ago, I heard a scientist on TV claim that we know far less about the interior of our planet than we do about the surface of the moon, and to date, this bit of trivia still fascinates me.

  • Finally, the biosphere consists of all plants, animals and living organisms in the environment. It spans from the smallest unicellular bacteria living on the cusp of a volcano, to the largest whales deep inside the ocean. The biosphere extends from the troposphere down into the lithosphere to a relatively shallow extent. It is estimated that it contains nearly 400,000 species of plants, millions of animal species, as well as millions of species of microorganisms and fungi. The biosphere can be further broken down into smaller ecosystems. As Encyclopedia Britannica puts it: “an ecosystem can be categorized into its abiotic constituents, including minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight, and all other nonliving elements, and its biotic constituents, consisting of all its living members. Linking these constituents together are two major forces: the flow of energy through the ecosystem, and the cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem.” Living organisms in ecosystems can be categorized as producers (such as green plants), consumers (such as antelopes or humans), and decomposers (such as bacteria feeding on a corpse).


So far, specific bibliometric studies on subsegments of environmental science and technology have been published, including on climate change [4], plastic pyrolysis [5], green buildings [6,7], disinfection byproducts [8], water-energy-food nexus [9,10], microbial fuel cells [11], groundwater remediation [12], emergy [13], ecosystem services [14], landfill design [15], environmental damage [16], low carbon electricity [17], food waste [18], nano and microplastics [[19][20][21][22]], biodiesel [23], incineration ashes [24], Fenton oxidation [25], electronic wastes [26], soil remediation [27], construction and demolition waste [28], environmental taxes [29], CO2conversion technologies [30], wetlands [31], biomass energy [32], and industrial wastewater [33] just to name a few. Our research team has also published bibliometric studies, specifically on landfill leachate treatment [34] and the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater [35]. However, for anyone trying to make sense of the totality of the scholarly landscape in environmental science and engineering, an encompassing document is non-existent.

Considering the incredible extent and complexity of the environment, it seems daunting to provide a summary of the most recent scholarly work including all subsegments of the field. Indeed, how shall one go about summarizing such a huge area of research? And what tools are at one's disposal for taking on such a task? For this, a bit of background information is necessary.

1.1. Scientific literature metrics

Scientific literature can come in different forms such as monographs and compendiums, conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journal papers, or even trade publications.

When considering an outlet to publish scholarly work, choices are abundant. If the research is to be published as a book, then the publisher is one of the most deciding factors. However, with peer-reviewed articles, the journal is probably more important than the publisher. Meanwhile, although there are a wide variety of established metrics for ranking different journals against each other, book publishers are much more difficult to rank due to the lack of internationally accepted metrics for ranking.

The Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (www.sense.nl) in the Netherlands has been providing a ranking of book publishers in the environmental field since 2006. It should be noted that the ranking is an internal document for SENSE and does not aim to become an internationally used list. Unfortunately, the ranking is far from perfect. For instance, the entries for Wiley Blackwell, Routledge, and Pergamon Press confusingly appear both with an A (top) and B (semi-top) ranking. There are also notable omissions in the list, for example the highly prestigious McGraw Hill Education is not present. Nevertheless, a list of the top ranking (A) publishers from the 2017 version of the ranking is provided in Table 1.

Table 1. The top-ranking publishers from the SENSE ranking (with slight modifications).

The SENSE Ranking of Academic Book Publishers (2017)
Publisher Ranking
Academic Press A
Cambridge University Press A
Columbia University Press A
Cornell University Press A/B
Harvard University Press A
Hoover Institution Press A
Johns Hopkins University Press A
MIT Press A
Oxford University Press A
Pergamon Press A/B
Princeton University Press A
Routledge A/B
Sage Publications A
Stanford University Press A
University of California Press A
University of Chicago Press A
Wiley-Blackwell A/B
Yale University Press A

For peer-reviewed academic journals, the case is different, and well-established rankings are accessible and more-or-less internationally agreed upon. Although there are numerous metrics for comparing journals, perhaps the most widely used (and criticized) metric globally is the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Impact Factor (published by Clarivate Analytics) formerly known as the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Impact Factor.

Here, excerpts from Elsevier's article titled “Measuring a Journal's Impact” will be provided which summarizes several journal-level metrics concisely [36]:

“Research metrics are sometimes controversial, especially when in popular usage they become proxies for multidimensional concepts such as research quality or impact. Each metric may offer a different emphasis based on its underlying data source, method of calculation, or context of use.”

CiteScore metrics are a suite of indicators calculated from data in Scopus, the world's leading abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.” In any given year, the CiteScore of a journal (A/B), is the number of citations received in that year for articles published in that journal during the three preceding years (A), divided by the total number of documents published in that journal during the three preceding years (B). “CiteScore is [tracked and calculated] on a monthly basis until it is fixed as a permanent value in May the following year, permitting a real-time view on how the metric builds as citations accrue.” Note that this is the old calculation method used in this paper. Since 2020, the calculation method has changed to include citations in the recent 4 years to the papers published in this period, divided by the total number of publications in the same 4-year period.

“SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is based on the concept of a transfer of prestige between journals via their citation links. Drawing on a similar approach to the Google PageRank algorithm - which assumes that important websites are linked to from other important websites - SJR weights each incoming citation to a journal by the SJR of the citing journal, with a citation from a high-SJR source counting for more than a citation from a low-SJR source. Like CiteScore, SJR accounts for journal size by averaging across recent publications and is calculated annually.”

“Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) is a sophisticated metric that intrinsically accounts for field-specific differences in citation practices. It does so by comparing each journal's citations per publication with the citation potential of its field, defined as the set of publications citing that journal. SNIP therefore measures contextual citation impact and enables direct comparison of journals in different subject fields, since the value of a single citation is greater for journals in fields where citations are less likely, and vice versa.”

“Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is calculated by Clarivate Analytics as the average of the sum of the citations received in a given year to a journal's previous two years of publications divided by the sum of citable publications in the previous two years. Owing to the way in which citations are counted in the numerator and the subjectivity of what constitutes a citable item in the denominator, JIF has received sustained criticism for many years for its lack of transparency and reproducibility and the potential for manipulation of the metric.”

“Although originally conceived as an author-level metric, the h-index and some of its numerous variants have come to be applied to journals as well. A composite of productivity and citation impact, h-index is defined as the greatest number of publications h for which the count of lifetime citations is greater than or equal to h. Being bound at the upper limit only by total productivity, h-index favors older and more productive authors and journals. As h-index can only ever rise, it is also insensitive to recent changes in performance. Finally, the ease of increasing h-index does not scale linearly: an author with an h-index of 2 needs only publish a 3rd paper and have all three of them cited at least 3 times to rise to an h-index of 3; an author with an h-index of 44 must publish a 45th paper and have it and all the other attain 45 citations each before progressing to an h-index of 45.”

The metric scores and underlying data for more than 25,000 active journals, book series and conference proceedings are available at the Scopus website (www.scopus.com/sources). Alternatively, in order to avoid the need for subscription fees and institutional access, the SCImago website (www.scimagojr.com) could be used. As per the website: “The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database […] Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (313 specific subject categories) or by country. Citation data is drawn from over 34,100 titles from more than 5000 international publishers and country performance metrics from 239 countries worldwide.”

Other journal ranking metrics not discussed herein include:

  • Eigenfactor: a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals (similar to SJR).

  • Publication Power Approach (PPA): in which the ranking of a journal is based on the publishing behavior of leading tenured academics over an extended time period. Journals frequented by these scholars are ranked higher.

  • Altmetrics: ratings based on mentions and shares in social media sites.


2. Methodology

Since it is practically impossible to provide a bibliometric study of all the journals in environmental science and engineering, a process of selection and elimination of journals was required. So in order to whittle down the journals, a methodology was developed as follows. First, the Scopus database was searched for all entries in the Environmental Science subject area. Subcategories for the Environmental Science subject area according to Scopus include Environmental Engineering, Ecology, Ecological Modeling, Global and Planetary Change, Environmental Science (misc), General Environmental Science, Environmental Chemistry, Health Toxicology and Mutagenesis, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Pollution, Waste Management and Disposal, Water Science and Technology, and Management Policy Monitoring and Law. The search resulted in a total of 2501 journals, book series, conference proceedings, and trade publications. The list was then sorted based on CiteScores. The top 100 publications as per data extracted in 2019 are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Ranking of top 100 journals (based on CiteScore) in the Environmental Science subject area by Scopus.

Top 100 Journals in Environmental Science (and Engineering) as per data extracted in 2019
# Source title Cite
SNIP SJR Parent Publisher
1 MMWR. Recommendations and reports: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports/Centers for Disease Control 87.75 42.77 48.89 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
2 Energy and Environmental Science 32.34 4.622 13.10 Royal Society of Chemistry
3 MMWR. Surveillance summaries: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries/CDC 26.12 16.06 18.37 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
4 Fungal Diversity 15.01 5.097 7.501 Springer Nature
5 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13.86 2.568 3.753 Elsevier
6 Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 13.78 3.97 8.385 Annual Reviews Inc.
7 Nature Climate Change 12.78 5.543 8.612 Springer Nature
8 Global Environmental Change 10.29 3.019 4.381 Elsevier
9 Chem 9.88 2.816 5.58 Elsevier
10 Annual Review of Environment and Resources 9.68 3.121 3.642 Annual Reviews Inc.
11 Applied Energy 9.54 2.616 3.455 Elsevier
12 Green Chemistry 9.43 1.815 2.517 Royal Society of Chemistry
13 Global Change Biology 9.14 2.614 4.316 Wiley-Blackwell
14 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 8.59 2.27 3.212 Elsevier
15 Environmental International 8.58 2.505 2.693 Elsevier
16 Water Research 8.55 2.426 2.721 Elsevier
17 Chemical Engineering Journal 8.47 1.941 2.066 Elsevier
18 Sustainable Materials and Technologies 8.43 3.06 1.529 Elsevier
19 Business Strategy and the Environment 7.93 2.488 2.166 Wiley-Blackwell
20 Journal of Hazardous Materials 7.91 2.055 1.958 Elsevier
21 Fish and Fisheries 7.63 2.831 3.242 Wiley-Blackwell
22 Current Climate Change Reports 7.59 2.021 N/A Springer Nature
23 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7.58 2.889 3.518 Wiley-Blackwell
24 Organization and Environment 7.51 2.609 2.605 SAGE
25 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 7.47 2.392 1.955 Taylor & Francis
26 Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 7.47 2.212 1.793 Springer Nature
27 Environmental Science: Nano 7.42 1.49 1.936 Royal Society of Chemistry
28 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 7.42 4.293 7.695 US Department of Health and Human Services
29 Environmental Science & Technology 7.38 1.959 2.514 American Chemical Society
30 Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7.37 2.587 4.028 Wiley-Blackwell
31 Journal of Cleaner Production 7.32 2.308 1.62 Elsevier
32 ChemSusChem 7.24 1.218 2.367 Wiley-Blackwell
33 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 7.18 2.372 1.67 Wiley-Blackwell
34 ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7.09 1.371 1.666 American Chemical Society
35 Bioresource Technology 7.08 1.824 2.157 Elsevier
36 Desalination 7.01 1.957 1.689 Elsevier
37 Journal of Carcinogenesis 6.91 2.443 2.324 Wolters Kluwer Health
38 Nature Ecology and Evolution 6.88 2.742 5.212 Springer Nature
39 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6.83 2.005 1.556 Elsevier
40 Resources, Conservation and Recycling 6.82 2.258 1.541 Elsevier
41 Anthropocene Review 6.77 2.854 2.651 SAGE
42 Particle and Fibre Toxicology 6.5 1.408 1.661 Springer Nature
43 Environmental Health Perspectives 6.46 2.209 2.938 US Department of Health and Human Services
44 Ecosystem Services 6.44 1.848 2.151 Elsevier
45 Landscape and Urban Planning 6.43 2.47 1.834 Elsevier
46 Global Ecology and Biogeography 6.39 2.07 3.458 Wiley-Blackwell
47 Conservation Letters 6.38 2.429 3.227 Wiley-Blackwell
48 Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research 6.26 1.995 2.078 Elsevier
49 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews 6.24 2.284 1.606 Taylor & Francis
50 Energy 6.2 1.822 2.048 Elsevier
51 Waste Management 6.15 2.193 1.523 Elsevier
52 Water Resources and Industry 6.13 2.821 1.255 Elsevier
53 Environmental Research Letters 6.1 1.806 2.71 Institute of Physics Publishing
54 Environmental Pollution 5.98 1.578 1.673 Elsevier
55 Conservation Biology 5.97 2.256 2.977 Wiley-Blackwell
56 Journal of Applied Ecology 5.96 1.939 2.731 Wiley-Blackwell
57 Science of the Total Environment 5.92 1.809 1.536 Elsevier
58 Agronomy for Sustainable Development 5.91 2.317 1.806 Springer Nature
59 Global Food Security 5.9 2.081 1.927 Elsevier
60 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 5.88 1.564 3.509 Wiley-Blackwell
61 Geochemical Perspectives 5.86 1.908 2.284 European Association of Geochemistry
62 Biotechnology for Biofuels 5.84 1.451 1.762 Springer Nature
63 Journal of Ecology 5.72 1.924 2.764 Wiley-Blackwell
64 Journal of CO2 Utilization 5.69 1.276 1.242 Elsevier
65 Weather and Climate Extremes 5.67 2.563 2.276 Elsevier
66 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5.65 1.807 1.98 Elsevier
67 Analytica Chimica Acta 5.61 1.386 1.467 Elsevier
68 Building and Environment 5.6 2.198 1.879 Elsevier
69 International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 5.6 2.209 1.623 Elsevier
70 Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 5.59 4.233 1.605 Springer Nature
71 Environmental Science and Policy 5.58 2.004 1.919 Elsevier
72 Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry 5.57 1.525 1.248 Elsevier
73 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 5.55 5.038 1.244 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
74 Energy Policy 5.45 1.786 1.988 Elsevier
75 Chemosphere 5.34 1.54 1.448 Elsevier
76 Journal of Environmental Management 5.32 1.726 1.206 Elsevier
77 Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 5.28 2.244 1.558 Taylor & Francis
78 Cryosphere 5.27 1.551 3.016 Copernicus
79 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 5.27 2.538 2.772 Oxford University Press
80 Wildlife Monographs 5.25 2.976 2.208 Wiley-Blackwell
81 Reviews in Aquaculture 5.24 2.372 1.394 Wiley-Blackwell
82 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 5.23 1.944 1.943 Wiley-Blackwell
83 Environmental Research 5.19 1.534 1.567 Elsevier
84 Archives of Toxicology 5.14 1.538 1.609 Springer Nature
85 Advances in Ecological Research 5.12 N/A N/A Elsevier
86 GCB Bioenergy 5.11 1.519 1.9 Wiley-Blackwell
87 Emerging Contaminants 5.1 1.24 1.701 KeAi Communications Co
88 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5.1 3.253 4.454 Wiley-Blackwell
89 Environmental Modeling and Software 5.08 1.999 1.732 Elsevier
90 Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment 5.07 1.942 1.448 Elsevier
91 Ecological Indicators 5.06 1.813 1.352 Elsevier
92 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 4.99 2.334 1.24 Elsevier
93 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 4.94 1.612 2.134 Copernicus
94 Quaternary Science Reviews 4.92 1.798 2.786 Elsevier
95 Journal of Hydrology 4.9 1.917 1.83 Elsevier
96 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 4.88 1.524 1.174 Elsevier
97 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 4.87 1.738 1.578 Elsevier
98 Biological Conservation 4.86 1.836 2.242 Elsevier
99 Ecological Economics 4.83 1.864 1.767 Elsevier
100 Ecology and Society 4.81 1.606 1.807 The Resilience Alliance

Although Table 2 provides a formidable summary of the most important publications in the field, it suffers from two main drawbacks. First, due to the sheer number of publications it will be extremely difficult to analyze the publications from the entire table. Second, some multidisciplinary publications with peripheral relevance to Environmental Science and Engineering have also made their way to the list.

In order to overcome the first problem, the decision was made to omit all entries with less than an average of 1 article published per day (less than 1095 documents published in the span of 2015–2017), leaving behind 30 entries as shown in Table 3. Unfortunately, this step eliminated some of the star journals in the field such as the highly coveted “Energy and Environmental Science” published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Table 3. Ranking of top 30 publications in the Environmental Science with at least one article published per day on average.

Top 30 publications in Environmental Science (and Engineering) as per data extracted in 2019
# Source title Cite
SNIP SJR Publisher
1 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13.86 2.568 3.753 Elsevier
2 Applied Energy 9.54 2.616 3.455 Elsevier
3 Green Chemistry 9.43 1.815 2.517 Royal Society of Chemistry
4 Global Change Biology 9.14 2.614 4.316 Wiley-Blackwell
5 Water Research 8.55 2.426 2.721 Elsevier
6 Chemical Engineering Journal 8.47 1.941 2.066 Elsevier
7 Journal of Hazardous Materials 7.91 2.055 1.958 Elsevier
8 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 7.42 4.293 7.695 US Department of Health and Human Services
9 Environmental Science & Technology 7.38 1.959 2.514 American Chemical Society
10 Journal of Cleaner Production 7.32 2.308 1.62 Elsevier
11 ChemSusChem 7.24 1.218 2.367 Wiley-Blackwell
12 ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7.09 1.371 1.666 American Chemical Society
13 Bioresource Technology 7.08 1.824 2.157 Elsevier
14 Desalination 7.01 1.957 1.689 Elsevier
15 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6.83 2.005 1.556 Elsevier
16 Energy 6.2 1.822 2.048 Elsevier
17 Waste Management 6.15 2.193 1.523 Elsevier
18 Environmental Research Letters 6.1 1.806 2.71 Institute of Physics Publishing
19 Environmental Pollution 5.98 1.578 1.673 Elsevier
20 Science of the Total Environment 5.92 1.809 1.536 Elsevier
21 Analytica Chimica Acta 5.61 1.386 1.467 Elsevier
22 Building and Environment 5.6 2.198 1.879 Elsevier
23 Energy Policy 5.45 1.786 1.988 Elsevier
24 Chemosphere 5.34 1.54 1.448 Elsevier
25 Journal of Environmental Management 5.32 1.726 1.206 Elsevier
26 Environmental Research 5.19 1.534 1.567 Elsevier
27 Ecological Indicators 5.06 1.813 1.352 Elsevier
28 Journal of Hydrology 4.9 1.917 1.83 Elsevier
29 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 4.88 1.524 1.174 Elsevier
30 Biological Conservation 4.86 1.836 2.242 Elsevier

Next, in order to overcome the problem of less relevant entries, the various subcategories designated by Scopus for each journal were scrutinized and the journals with membership in numerous irrelevant categories alongside Environmental Science were removed (because as per Scopus, it is possible for a journal to belong to numerous subject categories). For example, according to Scopus, the “Chemical Engineering Journal” belongs to the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, General Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry subject areas. In other words, only 1 out of 4 subject areas for this journal belongs to environmental science and engineering, and hence this journal did not qualify for the final selection step. Ultimately, every journal was closely inspected in order to whittle the list down by approximately 50%, reaching a final list of 15 journals to be included (Table 4). Information regarding the number of citations, articles published, and percent of articles cited in the final 15 journals is provided in Table 5.

Table 4. Ranking of the final 15 journals chosen to be investigated further.

Final Selected Journals in Environmental Science (and Engineering) as per data extracted in 2019
# Source title Cite
SNIP SJR Publisher
1 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13.86 2.568 3.753 Elsevier
2 Green Chemistry 9.43 1.815 2.517 Royal Society of Chemistry
3 Water Research 8.55 2.426 2.721 Elsevier
4 Journal of Hazardous Materials 7.91 2.055 1.958 Elsevier
5 Environmental Science & Technology 7.38 1.959 2.514 American Chemical Society
6 Journal of Cleaner Production 7.32 2.308 1.62 Elsevier
7 ChemSusChem 7.24 1.218 2.367 Wiley-Blackwell
8 ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7.09 1.371 1.666 American Chemical Society
9 Bioresource Technology 7.08 1.824 2.157 Elsevier
10 Desalination 7.01 1.957 1.689 Elsevier
11 Waste Management 6.15 2.193 1.523 Elsevier
12 Science of the Total Environment 5.92 1.809 1.536 Elsevier
13 Chemosphere 5.34 1.54 1.448 Elsevier
14 Journal of Environmental Management 5.32 1.726 1.206 Elsevier
15 Environmental Research 5.19 1.534 1.567 Elsevier

Table 5. Additional information regarding the final 15 journals.

Citation Information for the Selected Journals
# Source title 2018 Citations 2015-17 Documents % Cited
1 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 34799 2510 98
2 Green Chemistry 17695 1877 96
3 Water Research 20428 2390 95
4 Journal of Hazardous Materials 19725 2494 95
5 Environmental Science & Technology 36565 4953 92
6 Journal of Cleaner Production 43324 5918 95
7 ChemSusChem 11340 1566 88
8 ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 17959 2533 95
9 Bioresource Technology 33754 4766 96
10 Desalination 7949 1134 93
11 Waste Management 9162 1489 93
12 Science of the Total Environment 40039 6766 94
13 Chemosphere 25720 4820 91
14 Journal of Environmental Management 12335 2317 91
15 Environmental Research 6934 1335 89

Admittedly, the selection process for the journals was somewhat subjective. For example, publications specifically focusing on medicine, energy or biology were considered out of scope, and needing an entirely separate manuscript for their investigation. It should also be noted that here, the CiteScore was used to rank the journals. If an alternative metric (such as the SNIP) had been used, the selected list would have been different.

Once the journals to be investigated were selected, it was time to choose the proper tools and methods with which their data was to be analyzed [37]. Fortunately, there are numerous bibliometric software available, many of which are free to use. Each software has its own advantages and disadvantages. The list of some popular bibliometric software is provided below, the first two of which will be further introduced and utilized herein: