1. Introduction
This paper exemplifies the research being conducted as part of the Master's thesis on virtual reality applications and GIS in urban planning and decision-making.
Faced with the increasing urbanization and complication of municipalities and cities worldwide, planning authorities are defied to improve decision-making processes, and the ability to make sound and appropriate decisions represent a challenge for decision-makers.
The project involves a proposal for a virtual rail model to link the northern Gaza Strip to the southern Gaza Strip, where the railway passes through the city of Rafah using more than one scenario, through the VRGIS program, which will serve as a tool to explain urban planning data and to help decision-makers reach appropriate decisions, through visualization in a virtual environment, virtual railway will be presented as an empirical testbed to evaluate the effectiveness of VRGIS performance as a tool to assist decision makers.
2. Research importance
This paper comes to highlight the virtual reality and the effect of using virtual reality in the application of solutions to decision makers. The study relies on linking the virtual reality technologies of geographic information systems to reach the best suggestions and solutions. The study applies the virtual reality system and GIS to urban planning. At present a wide range of research and practical activities in various areas of urban planning involve decision-making problems.
3. Objectives
The aim of this paper is to highlight the potential of virtual reality (VR) and geographic information systems (GIS), as well as to show how VR and GIS can be used to assist urban decision-makers, planning and decision support systems along with measuring VR system capability to reduce the perception of project gaps in the urban environment. It seeks to provide a model for improving decision-making through a Virtual Reality and Geographic Information System platform.
4. Related work
Virtual Reality dates back to 1965, when Ivan Sutherland introduced the idea to “make that (virtual) world in the window look real, sound real, and respond realistically to the viewer's actions” [1].
Since then much research has been done in virtual reality. The past few years have witnessed a significant increase in interest in virtual reality technology.
There are many studies on the application of virtual reality in urban planning; these are relevant to this paper as they reflect an attempt to present observations and views of VR publishing alongside real experiences in this field.
4.1. VR GIS in urban planning
In the early 1990s, “Koller et al.” studied the combination of virtual reality and geographic information systems, and developed the concept of VRGIS onwards. It is established on virtual reality technology as a front-end interface with users and supports spatial GIS data.
The concept of using GIS and virtual reality in urban planning is very old; many works can be observed in the literature since the 1990, after developments in computer graphics turn out that this concept conceivable (e.g. [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]), then this idea was adopted in practice but was slow to implement.
The acceptance of the Second Life (VR) in 2007–2009 led to renewed interest in VR GIS. In order to create easy tools for use in urban planning; several experiments were conducted in urban progress there. Virtualization began in urban planning in Second Life, but it rapidly moved to OpenSimulator [7].
Research by Han et al. (2007) depends on the development of 3D virtual reality system supporting urban decision-making in the Huangdao District. The paper explains how the system functions as a computer platform for virtual reality planning. This system achieved significant social and economic benefits [8].
Zhu and Bi (2012) had focused on the application of visualization technology in urban planning through the urban planning framework which was accomplished for planning design and display. The paper aims to create a platform through the use of virtual reality to view, store and analyze, thus integrating these functions into the same system that relies on GIS and virtual reality to aid in urban planning [9].
Lee et al. (2013) in this paper suggest developing the WebVRGIS engine, which helps the integrated VRGIS including, 3D visualization for 3D spatial analysis functions, a spatial process, and using it as a web engine for digital city and 3D globe. This engine supports a massive amount of common data between the two platforms (VR and GIS) by peer-to-peer virtual network. It can meet the demands of virtual city building and contribute to GIS analysis [10].
Zhang et al. (2013) attempted to define the viability of using geographically supported virtual reality technology, which is graphically realistic as a fundamental tool for urban planning. By comparing the ease of use evaluation of urban planning scenarios, this paper has not directly addressed any of the three important current trends in urban planning: public participation, collaboration, and sustainable development [11].
While Yin and Shiode (2014) in their study attempted to build a 3D spatial-temporal GIS and create a virtual environment model of an urban environment to help study changes in the physical shape of cities. The project tackled space and time as mutually fundamental factors, hence allowing visualizing the dynamic transition of urban areas.
Although the framework of the suggested system and the tool developed is sufficiently generic and fundamentally strong, the tool itself needs some improvements before being implemented more widely and in other applications [12].
Research by Virtanen et al. (2015) they showed techniques that facilitate the making of 3D maps for collaborative, up-to-date. The virtual world has become dependent on open-source technology, from open data, whilst preserving attribute data associated with objects. It also aims to help implement the initial stages of the urban planning process [13].
4.2. VRGIS in urban planning and decision making
The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is considered by many as a substantial potential for developing the efficiency and increasing interaction in urban decision-making. Nevertheless, there has been a delay in accommodating the urban decision-making process towards a lack of expertise of modern technological developments of this type and fear of cost [14].
Dong et al. (2010) introduced a new system for building an urban geological environment in virtual urban areas, obtaining the combined modeling of underground and over ground objects, and examining interactive roles such as spatial query in the virtual environment, which provides a decision-making platform of 3D visualization for urban planning, as well as navigation in 2D-digital maps. This system has proven that the urban dynamic model is more practical and pragmatic out of operation in a real-world situated 3D environment; it is eligible for communication and decision-making support in urban planning [15].
Lindstrom and Lopes (2012) submitted a paper on the implementation of Open Simulator for urban planning in Uppsala city, Sweden, with regards to a probable Personal Rapid Transit system (PRT) for Uppsala city. It distinguishes the current network of stakeholders involved in urban planning and technology-related use [16]. Consequently, they see and implement online VR as a tool that works totally on the internet, through the ability to connect to stakeholders and the comprehensiveness of digital modeling to model cities or important parts therefrom.
This paper focuses on using VR as a virtual environment to evaluate a VRGIS application as a tool to support additional accessibility aspects for decision makers, and not the railway infrastructure itself. The existing problems are manifested in managing and storing all that massive amount of data. In this sense, an outstanding database administrator [17] is essential. Another problem is that the 3D scenarios are required to connect data with the several parts of the 3D model; problems with data-format interchange [18] must be resolved. In most cases, two aspects of the theme within an urban environment were focused on in an attempt to assist decision-makers.
5. The concept of virtual reality in urban planning
Virtual Reality is one of several simulation methods available to communicate urban space. VR is a good tool for audiences as the public contemplates design ideas because relies on their past experience of viewing space [19].
Recently, roaming in the virtual city has become a substitute for traditional maps to represent, describe, examine and urban development and design concepts, and displays the city clearly to people, creating an immersive environment for urbanization and utilization of spatial GIS data allowing users to navigate and interact in a virtual environment. According to Nguyen, et al, this technology will open a new front in urban planning and city zoning [20].
The most important reason for utilizing VR technology in urban planning is to give participants the same visual access to space and to provide them with an opportunity for spatial thinking in design, as well as understanding urban planning.
After using VR technology, decision makers, designers, engineers and the public can see the real-time design effect and interact with each other from any angle, and grasp the surrounding environment and understand the designer's intention. The impact analysis of “what-if scenarios” takes a lot of resources and time, thus virtual reality (VR) is a potential tool for face these hurdles.
6. Integration VR-GIS in urban planning
VRGIS is a technology that incorporates GIS and virtual reality (VR) technologies, combining 3DGIS and Internet-oriented GIS (Web GIS). It is based on various human-computer interaction devices [21]. It builds a 3D model in a virtual environment and works by PC, smart mobile and VR glasses. In addition to developing virtual reality technology and broad applications in many areas, the basic requirements for virtual reality are also growing rapidly.
Participants do not only require to obtain the landscape geospatial data dynamically but want furthermore to apply some controls, evaluations, calculations, and transfers in the light of existing data [10].
VRGIS has generally been applied in areas related to modern cities and urban management, such as transport and traffic [22], e-business and e-government [23], ocean and island management [24], scenic area management [25], virtual community [26], geography education [27] Virtual geographies for several applications are being improved, with virtual cities, visualizing past and future geographies, landscape visualization, visualizing abstract ideas and conducting courses for people in the virtual domain [28].
VRGIS technology can assist in the study of the urban fabric and other similar characteristics, displaying auxiliary systems for urban planning and environmental planning and design [28], [29].
Support databases can be updated using 3D data at any time (even in real-time), which refers to new urban plans and regional changes in a timely manner (or as real-time show) by VRGIS, thus extending the application of technology horizons.
After the application of VRGIS system in a given area, effectiveness can be assessed by the adoption of interactive and suitable human - computer measurement methods for participant study [30]. Ultimate judgments on implementation are then issued in view of the results of the participants' feedback [31].
7. Methods
This paper relies on a methodology based on tools and programs to build a compelling interactive environment. Concerning the technological parts this paper targets to enhance the usability and application of VRGIS via providing new tools and techniques that suit of the current decision-making processes in urban planning. Based on previous work and comparisons of used software and tools, we preferred to use CityEngine to provide solutions and alternatives to decision makers in addition to the use of ArcMap to transfer data and will be displayed through the CE Web Viewer or virtual reality glasses.
8. Case study
After exploring the available geographical database for buildings and streets and consulting supervisors, Rafah was selected as a case study area. Because the idea of the railway depended on linking the governorates of the Gaza Strip, it had to pass through all the provinces in order to achieve the goal for which it was established. We present a case study on the planning of railways in the Gaza Strip when crossing the city of Rafah. Our study does not consider details of Railway; 3D models are created according to the planning concepts and design alternatives in a virtual environment. In this paper, we build virtual environment to propose design alternatives, to further guide decision-makers towards understanding urban planning concepts, and facilitate decision making process by showing reviews about the potential of VRGIS to face existing hurdles in urban planning within Local Planning Authorities (LPAs).
9. Data preparation before import into Esri CityEngine
For better results, setup data is necessary before modeling, in preparation for this application data include:
Determining the rules pertinent to all elements of the urban environment of streets, and buildings.
Processing the data file in a suitable format according to our use of (SHP the ESRI Shapefile).
Identifying location and attributes for railway elements.
For the data-processing software Esri ArcGIS 10.3 was used, ArcMap, ESRI CityEngine, software was used to create visuals of railway scenarios in the Rafah Plan.
ESRI CityEngine was the main tool used for modeling the proposed railway and specifying how it may be implemented in phases.
Analysis of Collected Data
First, all data required for the visualization was compiled into a geodatabase. Thereby for each object type (e.g., buildings, Streets) an individual shapefile had to be prepared. Municipality of Rafah provided the building footprints GIS data and attributed them to building height, additionally, a digital terrain model (DTM) was obtained from: https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/.
The geodatabase was then imported into Esri’s CityEngine and the objects were modeled according to the application of the so called “Computer Generated Architecture” (CGA) rules. Applied to the primary shapes of the objects, e.g., the building footprints, the 3D shape created according to the rules and the attributes of the primary shapes, textures of façades, windows and doors for buildings taken from the rule of CE; as for the height of the buildings were from the attribute table.
For the creation of the street network, textures were taken from the template “The Modern Street Example”. The layers of the final CityEngine scene were exported in 3VR format and imported into smartphones.
The modeling workflow was performed by (1) setting up a geodatabase scenario in Esri's ArcMap, (2) importing it into Esri’s CityEngine for procedural visualization of the VR, (3) exporting 3VR to Samsung Gear. The VR Gear is a wrapper that uses a Samsung smartphone as its processor and display. The only limitation is that it uses Samsung's phone only [32] (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Workflow for setup of VR 2 suitable for the representation of urban areas.
Source: Author abased Hayek et al. 2016.10. Data import into CityEngine
After the preprocessing, the import of the data into software CityEngine can be started. It starts with a creation of a new scene and setting a coordinate system of it. For this project, Palestine 1929 Grid was chosen.
There were two types of data imported in CE scene the building and the street network were imported as shapefiles, Imagery base map downloaded from online ArcGIS base map collection. The terrain of the case study area was generated from the imagery base map and the height map. After the import, all the shapes were aligned to the terrain (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Creation and Consumption.
Source: Cameron, Haegler and Baird 2017.