Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Peter L. Douglas MEMBERS
Emeritus Professor, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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  • 2015
  • Process Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (P.S.E.)
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  • 2015
  • Process Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (P.S.E.)
Election Remark
 Peter Douglas is a Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He has held several administrative roles including the Associate Dean of Engineering (Undergraduate Studies), Associate Dean of Engineering (Graduate Studies), and Associate Dean of Engineering (Computing). In addition, he was the Director of the University of Waterloo United Arab Emirates Campus in Dubai. Professor Douglas was a founding member of WISE the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy at UWaterloo.
His primary research area is in the development and application of PSE technology to industrial processes. In particular, he worked on simulation, control, and optimization issues related to the mitigation and capture of carbon dioxide from large-scale emitters.
Professor Douglas has consulted on a worldwide basis for many clients and has worked in Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the UAE. Additionally, he is a co-inventor of the Dryer Master online measurement and control systems for the food processing industry; such systems are finding widespread use in Canada, USA, Europe, and Asia.
In addition to his research work, Professor Douglas has co-authored more than 200 related research publications and has supervised more than 80 postgraduate students. He is not accepting new students. He was elected as member of European Academy of Engineering in 2015.