Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Supriyo Datta MEMBERS
Professor, Purdue University
Dibrugarh, India
More Info
  • 2022
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
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  • 2022
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
Election Remark
Supriyo Datta is a distinguished professor at Purdue University, who has played a vital role in the field of electronic device engineering through his seminal contributions to quantum transport theory.

His research helped pave the way for the conceptualization and design of nanoscale electronic devices, which form the backbone of modern electronics.

Datta's interdisciplinary approach to electronics and nanoscience has not only pushed the frontiers of quantum and computational electronics but also provided a theoretical framework for future innovations in the industry.

In 2022, he was elected as member of the European Academy of Engineering.