Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Mildred Dresselhaus MEMBERS
Professor of both Physics and Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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  • 2009
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
More Info
  • 2009
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
Election Remark
Mildred Dresselhaus was renowned for her research on carbon-based materials, including fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphene.

At MIT, where she spent much of her career, Dresselhaus made critical discoveries that have enabled the development of various applications ranging from energy to electronics to materials science.

Her numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, underscore her status as a role model for scientists worldwide.

She worked tirelessly to encourage women to pursue careers in science and engineering until her passing.

In 2009, she was elected as member of the European Academy of Engineering.