Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
John Robertson MEMBERS
Professor of Electronics, in the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
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  • 2018
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
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  • 2018
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
Election Remark
John Robertson is a Professor of Electronics, in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He is a leading specialist in the theory of amorphous carbon and related materials.
Following his PhD, Robertson worked at the Central Electricity Research Laboratories for 18 years,([citation needed]) and in 1994 returned to Cambridge.

He has published over 600 journal papers with around 33,000 citations.

His main topic of research is theory of carbon materials.Other research interests include: carbon nanotubes, graphene, chemical vapour deposition, electronic applications (experimental and calculation); modelling of CVD mechanisms; carbon interconnects, carbon conductors, carbon for supercapacitors; high-κ dielectrics for complementary metal oxide semiconductor transistors; high-κ oxides on high mobility substrates such as InGaAs.
Robertson is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Materials Research Society, and an Emeritus Editor of the journal Diamond and Related Materials.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS)in 2015.

He was elected as a member of European Academy of Engineering in 2018.