Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Amos E. Joel Jr. EMERITUS
President in 2007, European Academy of Engineering
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
More Info
  • 1992
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
More Info
  • 1992
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
Election Remark
Amos E. Joel Jr. was an American electrical engineer, known for his innovations in telecommunications switching systems. His work was instrumental in developing the electronic switching systems for telephone networks, paving the way for modern telecommunications.

Joel is particularly renowned for inventing the 'call handoff' system used in mobile phone networks, allowing uninterrupted calls as users travel between cells.

His advancements in telecommunication technology earned him numerous awards, including the National Medal of Technology in 1993.

In 1992, he was elected as founding member of the European Academy of Engineering.

And he acted as President of the European Academy of Engineering in 2007.