Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Ali Hajimiri MEMBERS
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Medical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
United States
More Info
  • 2019
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
More Info
  • 2019
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering (E.E.E.)
Election Remark
Ali Hajimiri is an authority in the field of electronics at Caltech, known particularly for his innovative work on silicon-based integrated circuits and microelectromechanical systems.

His research has broadened the scope of applications for electronics in communication systems, radar technology, and biomedical devices.

Hajimiri is a prolific inventor, with a wide array of patented technologies to his name, reflecting his contributions to both theoretical foundations and practical implementations of electronic circuits.

In 2019, he was elected as member of the European Academy of Engineering.