Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Tony Hoare MEMBERS
Emeritus Researcher, Microsoft Research in Cambridge
Colombo, Sri Lanka
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  • 2004
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (C.S.E)
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  • 2004
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (C.S.E)
Election Remark
Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare (Tony Hoare or C. A. R. Hoare) (born 11 January 1934)is a British computer scientist who has made foundational contributions to programming languages, algorithms, operating systems, formal verification, and concurrent computing.

His work earned him the Turing Award, usually regarded as the highest distinction in computer science, in 1980.
Hoare developed the sorting algorithm quicksort in 1959–1960.

He developed Hoare logic, an axiomatic basis for verifying program correctness. In the semantics of concurrency, he introduced the formal language communicating sequential processes (CSP) to specify the interactions of concurrent processes, and along with Edsger Dijkstra, formulated the dining philosophers problem.

He is also credited with development (and later criticism) of the null pointer, having introduced it in the ALGOL family of languages.

Since 1977, he has held positions at the University of Oxford and Microsoft Research in Cambridge.

In 2004, he was elected as member of the European Academy of Engineering.