Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Juan M. Corchado MEMBERS
Professor, University of Salamanca
Salamanca, Spain
More Info
  • 2021
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (C.S.E)
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  • 2021
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (C.S.E)
Election Remark
Juan M. Corchado received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Salamanca, and the Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from the University of the West of Scotland.

He is currently a Professor at the University of Salamanca.

He was the Vice-Rector for Research, from 2013 to 2017, and the Director of the Science Park with the University of Salamanca.

He was elected twice as the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences.

He directs the Recognized Research Group Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology (BISITE), in 2000.

In 2021, he was elected as member of the European Academy of Engineering.