Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Bo Barker Jorgensen MEMBERS
Professor, Aarhus University
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  • 2022
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (C.V.E.)
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  • 2022
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (C.V.E.)
Election Remark
Bo Barker Jørgensen (age 63) ainly investigates Sediment, Environmental chemistry, Sulfate, Oceanography and Ecology.

His Sediment research includes themes of Organic matter, Total organic carbon, Water column, Biogeochemical cycle and Fjord.

His Environmental chemistry research is multidisciplinary, incorporating elements of Sulfur, Methane, Sulfate-reducing bacteria, Nitrate and Isotope fractionation.
Bo Barker Jørgensen combines subjects such as Continental shelf and Mineralization with his study of Sulfate.

His Oceanography research focuses on Biosphere and how it connects with Microorganism and Microbial ecology.

The Ecology study combines topics in areas such as Archaea and Microbial population biology.
In his work, Mineralogy is strongly intertwined with Isotopes of oxygen, which is a subfield of Sulfide.

The concepts of his Sulfate study are interwoven with issues in Continental shelf, Biogeochemical cycle and Methane.

His work investigates the relationship between Organic matter and topics such as Microorganism that intersect with problems in Spirulina and Seabed.

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2022.