Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
John A. Rogers MEMBERS
Professor, Northwestern University
Rolla, Missouri, United States
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  • 2020
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.)
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  • 2020
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.)
Election Remark
John A. Rogers (born August 24, 1967) is a physical chemist and a materials scientist. He is currently the Louis Simpson and Kimberly Querrey Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Neurological Surgery at Northwestern University.
Rogers' research deals with nano and molecular scale fabrication, materials, and patterning techniques for electronic and photonic devices, lately with a strong emphasis on bio-integrated and bio-inspired systems. He has published ~900 papers (~190,000 citations, per Google Scholar), and is an inventor on over 100 patents and patent applications, more than 50 of which are licensed or in current use. More than 115 former PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from his group are now in faculty positions at some of the most competitive institutions in the world - Stanford, MIT, Northwestern, Duke, Dartmouth, Univ. Illinois, Georgia Tech, Univ Southern Calif, Penn State, Texas A&M Univ, Purdue Univ, NCSU and many others in the US; TU Delft, ETH, Univ. Heidelberg and others in Europe; Tsinghua Univ, Peking Univ, USTC and many others in China; Seoul National Univ, KAIST, Yonsei Univ and many others in Korea.

He is one of ~25 people in history to have been elected to all three US national academies—National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine.

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2020.