Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Hans Lassmann MEMBERS
Professor Emeritus, Medical University of Vienna, Department of Neuroimmunology
Vienna, Austria
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  • 2024
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.)
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  • 2024
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.)
Election Remark
Hans Lassmann is Professor Emeritus for Neuroimmunology. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna and was then trained in clinical and experimental neuropathology and neuroimmunology. He became Professor for Neuroimmunology at the Medical University of Vienna and the founding director of the Center for Brain Research. He retired from this position in 2017 but remained engaged in research in the Department of Neuroimmunology. He has received numerous research wards, including the Charcot Award for Life-Time Achievements in Multiple Sclerosis Research, the Research Prize of the Sobek Foundation and the International Prize for Translational Neuroscience of the Gertrud Reemtsma Foundation. He is honorary member of the Japanese and the French Neurological Societies and Member of the Austrian and the German (Leopoldina) Academies of Sciences.
His research focused on the elucidation of disease mechanisms of inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system by combining neuropathology with immunology, basic and molecular neurobiology, experimental research and advanced imaging (MRI). His main scientific achievements are the identification of the heterogeneous spectrum of multiple sclerosis like inflammatory demyelinating diseases, including the first description of the molecular immunopathology of neuromyelitis optica, of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody associated disease and of Balo’s concentric sclerosis in experimental models and humans. His main interest resided in the comprehensive characterization of the disease process in the brain of multiple sclerosis patients. including the mechanisms of inflammation, demyelination, remyelination and neurodegeneration; the identification of new molecular pathways of tissue injury in active lesions of multiple sclerosis and the definition of the pathology and disease mechanisms in the progressive stage of multiple sclerosis. He was elected as member of European Academy of Engineering in 2024.
>800 publications; H-Index: 148 (Clarivate); D-Index: 177 (research.com);