Dr. Martín Abadi
Guido Kroemer MEMBERS
Professor, Université Paris Cité - Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers
Paris, France
More Info
  • 2024
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.)
More Info
  • 2024
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.)
Election Remark
Dr. Guido Kroemer is a prominent cell biologist and professor who has dedicated his career to advancing our understanding of mitochondrial functions in cell death, particularly in cancer research. Born on June 11, 1961, in Leer, Germany, Dr. Kroemer completed his medical education at the University of Innsbruck and earned a Ph.D. in biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Currently, Dr. Kroemer serves as a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris Descartes and holds several prestigious positions including Director of the research team "Apoptosis, Cancer and Immunity" at the French Medical Research Council (INSERM). He is also the Director of the Metabolomics and Cell Biology platforms at the Gustave Roussy Comprehensive Cancer Center, and a Deputy Director at the Cordeliers Research Center. His clinical commitments extend to his role as a Hospital Practitioner at the Hôpital Européen George Pompidou in Paris.
Dr. Kroemer is renowned for his discovery that mitochondrial membrane permeabilization is a crucial step in programmed cell death. His research delves into the molecular mechanisms controlling cell death in cancer cells, exploring how these pathways can be targeted to make cancer treatment more effective and to promote immunogenic cell death. His work has garnered him numerous accolades, including the Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Prize and the Prize "Lombardia è Ricerca." He has been elected a member of several scientific academies, including Germany's Leopoldina Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences. In 2024, he was elected as member of European Academy of Engineering for class of Biomedical Engineering (B.M.E.).