Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Neil Armstrong EMERITUS
Professor, University of Cincinnati
Wapakoneta, Ohio, United States
More Info
  • 1992
  • Aerospace and Transportation Engineering (A.T.E)
More Info
  • 1992
  • Aerospace and Transportation Engineering (A.T.E)
Election Remark
Neil Alden Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the moon, exemplifies the quintessential American hero.

Born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, Armstrong's early life on a farm developed his interest in flight, leading him to Purdue University and then to serve as a naval aviator during the Korean War.

His technical acumen propelled him to become a test pilot, where he piloted experimental aircraft, including the famed X-15. Armstrong's selection for NASA's second astronaut class steered him to command the Gemini 8 mission, overcoming in-flight failures to achieve the first manned docking in space.

His Apollo 11 mission culminated in the historic moonwalk, immortalizing his "small step" quote and anchoring his legacy.

A Purdue graduate and professor at the University of Cincinnati, Armstrong's post-astronaut life involved teaching and serving on commissions for aerospace accidents.

His death in 2012 marked the passing of a global icon of exploration and discovery.

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 1992 and promoted as Emeritus member in 1999.