Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
George Chapline Jr. MEMBERS
Originator, Concept of a Gossamer Metal
Teaneck, New Jersey, United States
More Info
  • 1995
  • Aerospace and Transportation Engineering (A.T.E)
More Info
  • 1995
  • Aerospace and Transportation Engineering (A.T.E)
Election Remark
George Frederick Chapline Jr., born on May 6, 1942, is an innovative American theoretical physicist renowned for his work at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

His seminal contributions encompass a spectrum of fields, including quantum information theory, condensed matter physics, and quantum gravity.

In 1982, he led the pioneering team to demonstrate the first working X-ray laser, an achievement that earned him the E. O. Lawrence Award.

Chapline proposed controversial ideas about black holes, suggesting they are dark energy stars, which led to potential explanations for dark matter and galaxy formation.

He has also been instrumental in unifying theories of supergravity with Yang–Mills gauge theories, with implications for superstring theory and elementary particle physics.

A prominent academic, his theoretical insights have challenged and expanded the boundaries of modern physics.

He was elected as the founding member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 1995.